Manolonga is a monster from Italian folklore, specifically from the city of Benevento. She is a witch believed to have lived in swamps, rivers, lakes, and wells. With her long hand, she would snatch children playing near these places and drown them—hence the name "Manolonga" (Long Hand).

Manolonga is a 2-player hide-and-seek game where one player takes on the role of the witch Manolonga, while the other plays as Sabatino, a young boy who accidentally fell into a well while playing with his friends—landing straight into Manolonga’s lair.

  • Sabatino’s goal is to find one of the exits in the map and escape from Manolonga.
  • Manolonga’s goal is to catch Sabatino and drown another victim—or seal all the exits, leaving no way for the boy to escape.

How to Play

Game setup

On the main menu screen, you will see a field to enter a Game ID. Both players must enter the same Game ID to join the same match. Once the Game ID is set:

  • One player must press Escape to play as Sabatino.
  • The other player must press Hunt to play as Manolonga.


Each player selects an action from a set of possible moves. Once both players have chosen, their characters perform the actions simultaneously.

Sabatino’s Actions

  • Run – Sabatino can move to any highlighted tile.
  • Look for breeze – He can use the small flame from his torch to reveal the direction of the nearest exit. A glowing arrow will point to the closest escape tile.

Manolonga’s Actions

  • Move – Manolonga can move to any highlighted tile. If she crosses paths with Sabatino while moving, she captures him.
  • Attack – Manolonga can use an attack action, making ghostly hands appear in the chosen direction for the rest of the turn, before Sabatino can move. If he steps on one of these tiles, he is captured.


  • Normal Ground – A tile that both players can move onto.
  • Exit – A hatch leading outside the witch’s cave.
    • If Sabatino steps on an exit tile, he immediately wins.
    • If Manolonga steps on an exit tile, she permanently seals it, making it unusable.

The Final Question is: will you be the hunter or the prey? 

Made by No pizza No Code (ex Rebus Futuristico)

  • Bruno Cataldi - Programming
  • Flavio De Benedictis - Programming
  • Davide De Laura - Music
  • Francesco Esposito - Programming
  • Antonello Sgnaolin - Music
  • Lorenzo Patané - Programming
  • Leonardo Ratto - Graphics
  • Simone Tiberti - Graphics

This game was created for the Global Game Jam 2025 in Rome with the theme "Bubbles".

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